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More policies are available on file in the Library


Hope Library Electronic Information Network Policy

A CIPA-Compliant Internet Safety Policy


          Libraries make it possible for citizens to have access to the information they need to make informed decision. The Hope Library is committed to networking, which represents good public policy by maximizing the use of the resources of all types of libraries. Every library user benefits from expanded access to information beyond the four walls of a single library building.


          As most resources available via the Internet and other electronic information networks are global resources, the library does not and cannot control the information content available through them.   Internet resources enhance and supplement resources that are available locally within a library. Library users must be aware that this library does not exercise control over information obtained via the Internet and must keep in mind the following points when evaluating information obtained via the Internet:


1. Information obtained via the Internet may or may not be reliable and may or may not be obtained form a reliable source.

2. Information obtained via the Internet may or may not be accurate.

3. Information obtained via the Internet may or may not be current and up to date.

4. Links to information on the Internet may not always be valid, and particular information sites on the Internet may sometimes be unavailable, and this unavailability often occurs unpredictably.

5. Certain information obtained via the Internet may be considered controversial by some library patrons.


          The Hope Library urges library patrons to be informed consumers and carefully evaluate information obtained via the Internet. Library staff may be available to 
assist patrons in making judgments about the reliability or currency of certain types of Internet information sources, but are unable to provide definitive analysis of 
particular sources due to the extremely large variety and volume of information available via the Internet.


Children's Access to Electronic Information Networks


          The Hope Library supports the right of all library users to access information and will not deny access to electronic information networks based solely on age. 
The library also recognizes that electronic information networks such as the Internet may contain material that is inappropriate for children. Parents are expected to monitor and supervise their children's use of the Internet. Library staff is unable to monitor children's use. Parents are encouraged to discuss with their children issues of appropriate use and electronic information network safety.


          The Library advises that all parents encourage safe and responsible use of the Internet, including: using caution when engaging in any form of direct electronic communication with other Internet users, such as through email, online chat rooms or social media; avoiding inappropriate matter on the Internet; not disseminating personal information about themselves or others on the Internet; and not engaging in any questionable or unlawful activity such as hacking while on the Internet.


          This library is not responsible for damages, indirect or direct, arising from a library patron's use of Internet information resources.


          All users of Library resources are subject to a technology protection measure (content filter) designed to restrict access to inappropriate images, including any images deemed as obscene, child pornography, or otherwise harmful to minors.



Hope Library Electronic Information Patron Usage Agreement



User Responsibilities


1. Sign in at the desk in order to use the computer.

2. Abide by the 1 hour time limit.

3. Pay for all printed copies ($.20 for b&w, $.50 for color)                                                     

4. Do not change settings, wallpaper, etc.; do not save/download; do not install hardware/software.    

5. Do not shut down computers; click the Home icon when finished.                                                         

6. Patrons may save to their own memory sticks (the library is not responsible for loss or damage).                    
7. The user is responsible for any damage resulting from connection of users' personal computer equipment or peripherals to Hope Library computers.                                                                          

8. Any copyright law infringement by the patron is solely his/her responsibility.


Unacceptable uses


1. The viewing of sexually graphic and/or explicit materials or child pornography is expressly prohibited on Hope Library computers.                                                                                                                               

2. Users may not use computers for illegal or criminal activity including the sending or receiving, printing or displaying of child pornography.                                                                                                              

3. Harassment of other computer users (here or at any other location); unauthorized access to accounts of others; libel or slander of others; solicitation of minors, or any activity harmful to minors; hacking; spamming are all prohibited.                                                                                                          

4. Violation of computer security or software license agreements is prohibited.                                                      

5. Behaving in a manner that is disruptive to other uses, including but not limited to overuse of computer equipment that serves to deny access to other users.


Failure to abide by the provisions of this policy will result in the loss of library privileges including, but not limited to, use of the library computers. Illegal acts involving the public computers will be subject to prosecution by local, state, and federal authorities. This policy was developed to meet the requirements of the Children's Internet Protection Act.  


In signing this document, I understand that as a parent or guardian, I am responsible for monitoring and supervising my children's access to electronic resources at the Hope Library.


Signed___________________________________________________card no.___________


Parent or Guardian (if applicable)____________________________________________


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